Monday, October 19, 2009


To err is human; to forgive, is divine. I have to admit that many times my stubbornness is very strong inside of me. I was once yelled at by a professional hockey player and years later I happen to run into him at the airport. Me being me I think about that incident and yes it sticks in the back of my head when I see him on TV again maybe six years later. So what do I do when I see him? Do I get in his face? Do I scream in the crowd saying at the top of my lungs what I think of him? Nope, I calmly go up to him and say “May I please have your autograph?” Brian Engbloom is who I am talking about and guess what? I tell him the story of how many years ago I had to make a decision and maybe I made the wrong one, at that moment in time he thought I made the wrong one. However we laughed about it, he said he was sorry, and when he gets his bag at the airport in NY he said bye “Tommy” not sees ya dude, but he used my name and remembered it.

Can you tell me how we and I mean we this is just not my issue I know you do this as well. I forgave a perfect strange and I am coming up to a year of not talking to my son’s God parents because well did I mention being stubborn? I think I did. I still have issues trying to forgive my former neighbors because I felt that I was ostracized for being the one who left the “hood.” Again what is wrong with me? Come on think about a time when you forgave someone you hardly knew maybe it was a server or a flight attendant heck maybe you forgave a whole company that just fired you, but when it comes to loved ones whom we put them on a higher pedestal we treat them far worse then A PERFECT STRANGER. For my son’s god parents I asked for help, I did not get the answer I wanted to hear so therefore I shut them out of my life. Not only my life but my son’s life as well, what kind of parent am I? Well let’s just say not a very mature one should we say. Please tell me I am not alone. I want to make a pact with you. If I am wrong then you can move on to the shout outs, the rest of need to step it up and forgive the people who have scorned us, heck I forgave Bartman (Cub fans will get it). I promise this week I will do my best and extend the olive branch to my son’s God parents. These are truly people I have loved AND respected but it is sad on my part how stubborn I am at times. Now maybe with this self help my next project will be forgiving my former neighbors. Did I mention I was stubborn?


Shout out to T-Mac and yes your dad very proud of you.

Shout out to Angie for your love of hockey.

Shout out to my dog Keewee unconditional love.


  1. I prefer dumb-ass not stubborn. You were so caught up in your self-pity you couldn't even see your "sac" friends were there for you. We tried hard to make sure that you knew that we would still be friends even if you guys couldn't work things out. We tried to talk to you but all you could say was yeah, no, ok. There was no attempt on your part to even try to be friendly or even ask for our help or even ask our opinion (not that it was our business) but you did nothing except immediately assume that we took sides. Do we really seem that shallow? You know if you acted out loud the way you write about yourself you would be much better off. Maybe a public speaking class could be next. Just for the record, we wanted to be your friend and you shunned us, so please don't do us any favors by forgiving us!

  2. You were so wrapped up in your self-pity that you were too blind to see that we were there picking you up and dusting you off time and time again. Listening to you. Lending you a shoulder to cry on. Offering you words of encourgement.

    Don't bother "forgiving" your former neighbors (aka friends), we don't want it.

    And the first olive branch you should be extending is to your ex-wife....for your son's sake.

  3. And for god sakes, realize the whole fucking sac is reading your posts! Good luck in the future, hehehhehe!
