Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I would rather be laughing

Riddle me this batman, when does the motivator need motivating? Well could it be a night like tonight when you think all is well but it is not? I am honestly happy to have the break from travel (no really) because I am able to do things that normally the situation would not be available to me. Last night here in Colorado we had a dumping of snow so for the kids that meant well DUH no school. This meant for me to be asked to take my son Connor to a sledding hill. OH yes and I did some sledding as well. This was a great memory that I hope to never forget. Is that why I am sitting here leaking tears? Not really sure.

You think that sometimes you ARE in control of your life but maybe life is telling you “I don’t think so” and you need to figure out of to regain it back. My grandfather “Marty” who for many years I thought came up with the saying of “LIFE IS NOT FAIR” would say that and well why is it not fair? You and I are good people, I mean we don’t cheat on our wives, have not killed anyone, or even tossed a snowball at a 7 year old. OOPS hold up guilty there, um, moving on.

For me all I want to do is be happy and to many that is not noticeably in this day and age. Ok enough of being a downer. We need to focus on us and what we need to do to be happy. First off we need to have some type of income and unfortunately that IS life but what? I want you to believe in yourself and be happy at a job doing what your PASSION is.

You need to refuse that what ever your job is, is defining you. My personal issue is what I like to call the “Ross complex.” Do you remember the show “Friends” and the character “Ross?” He was married three times and because of being in a failed marriage some of us are labeled not single or in between relationships but “DIVORECED” and I am tired of having a label define who I am. My passion is trying motivating people and being a happy male person so why do we need to have others or even documentations define my failures?

Today March 24, 2010 I just feel like a lost sheep and there are to many obstacles in my way for me either to go over or around them in order to achieve my goals. I am just a simple guy who wants just the best out of you but when I can not even live those expectations what is the use of having hope there is? When you have a day where the world has stopped and all there is MY son, a hill, and a sled there is nothing else to life or is there?

Friday, March 19, 2010

Moving Forward

As I look over the cliff all I can see is very thick mist. Through the mist I barely can see trees popping out of the mist. The valley looks like hundreds of miles long, to far to even think about walking. When I look down from the edge again there is nothing to see through the mist of the trees and jungle. I don’t know what to do. My choices and there are several ways to look for a new path, well that is what I think. First choice to find a new path is to simple try and climb down. Second choice will to go a different direction but left or right? Third choice is to turn around and go back but how did I get here in the first place?

Turning around is NOT an option and if I do turn back my mind thinks about the homeless people I have been passing on my walk to work. I am scared that my life is going to take that path of a downward spiral. No I do not want to turn around and go back the way I just came from. Scratch this choice off the list.

The last time my journey brought me to a dead end some people said I was depressed. My feeling when I hear that is maybe there was just denial in me (I still think I could play in net for the Black Hawks). I think this time my situation is better and have a better support system then I did almost two years ago. Plus there are writing opportunities I want to explore with this time off such as trade magazines and growing my Twitter followers. In my mind as I continue looking over the cliff and seeing the green trees through the mist there is a calming sensation in my being.

What way do I need to go? Well does it really matter if I go left or right? I don’t think so, only because either direction is going to take me somewhere but where? There is truly no wrong way but what about climbing down the cliff? There is a chance that the path is actually closer then I can see through the mist. There is also the wait and see approach as well.

Here is what I do know though about this temporary situation. I have set goals for this year:

Ø I am going to get down to 175 pounds by June 1.
Ø I am going to maintain a “B” or better average for school.
Ø I am going to have a new job opportunity by March 15.
Ø I am going to have a waist size of 34” by June 1.
Ø I will post twice weekly to both of my Blogs on Monday’s and Friday’s.
Ø I am going to spend more time with Connor.
Ø I am going to get my bike fixed so I can ride with Connor.
Ø I am going to write a business plan by April 5.
Ø I will play hockey by the summer.
Ø I will take a cooking class.
Ø I will have something I wrote get published in a magazine.
Ø I am going to maintain my weight goals of 175 and 34” waist by December 31.
Ø I will take one of my mom’s yoga classes.
Ø I will look for a mentor to help me achieve becoming a speaker by January 31.
Ø I will try to put the past behind me.

Ok here is where I am at for the goals of 2010. I will be down to 175 it is going to take more hard work and better eating habits. The travel is ending so therefore I can start cooking for myself. I have had two classes and respectively A and B. I have not found a new job as of yet. The blog writing is very much fun and I have not worked as hard on it as I should. The blog has been a hard one to write because of my failure at getting weight down, however I will start that one back up this weekend so please look for it. I have had some extra time with Connor and as of today being my last day on this job there will be plenty more time to spend with him. The business plan might come sooner then later with my time off. I have been in touch with some people about possibly playing hockey again so we will see. I am definitely looking into a cooking class during my time off. There are several trade magazines that I have thought about sending articles to. Connor and I will be taking a trip to see my mom in May and I will let you know about the yoga. I have been in touch with Jon Gordon a motivational speaker who I have written about in this blog so he has been a mentor to me. The last one, well I will need to get back to you on thatJ There you have a quick update on my goals. How are yours doing?

With these goals as a map to take me on this journey I feel confident that no matter what path I end up taking they will lead me to a positive place along with new experiences. With my eyes closed the picture in my mind I see myself walking away from the edge of the cliff and going around the valley to the path I need to find and then walk on to take me to where I need to be next. On a road trip many years ago with my very good friend Chris K, he would ask me at a stop “Left or Right?” I would say “Left” and he would go right. Well in my head I am going one way and this time I don’t have Chris or anyone to guide me except myself. Therefore this is the decision I have made so did I make the right one this time or not? Like I said, my confidence is high that I have but one thing is for sure there will be no turning back.

Very special SHOUT OUTS to a couple of people I am very proud to call them friends. These two individuals have taken the steps to quit smoking. Thank you Leslee and Zach for doing this not only for yourself but for the rest of us so we can stop nagging you.

Monday, March 8, 2010


Here I am at cruising altitude of some 30,000 feet heading back to San Francisco for another week of employment. That is a good thing but I was hoping by now to be on the next chapter of my life, meaning basically a new job. I had not been home for about three weeks and the mail was a bit like opening up Christmas presents well except for the bills. However I was surprised to see an envelope from a company I had recently interviewed with (yes the “meeting” of the day of my car accident) and was a bit upset to read the standard form rejection letter from them. Then just before I turned my computer here in the plane, I started to read the article from Darren Hardy who is the editor of one of my favorite magazines “Success” and light bulb went on (it was a “green” light bulb that went off).

Let’s you and I get real here, every time we go to an interview we think “Only if I get this job I can….” To me getting this rejection letter is not the end of the world and yes I very much wanted that job to be a part of a corporate university. However this just gets me closer to me wanting to start my own speaking business. This month’s issue of Success magazine is about leadership. I had an interview last year and was told I did not have enough leadership training on my resume ok my bad but the manager did not even show up to my interview presentation. My point is, the heck with people telling you that we do not have experience to do something. Let me prove you wrong and guess what ladies and gentlemen of the jury I am going to lead us all to victory when I prove that yes I can teach leadership or what ever else my mind is set to do.

I was disappointed by the scale on Saturday but the results might not have been physical but more mental. I have been in the hotel gym working out and feeling the effects from it. The same goes with people telling you that we are not qualified to do a job let me prove it to you but show up. I go to the gym because yes it is healthy for me but I want to prove to the Nay Sayers this summer at the pool. Even recently I was told not really directly but in a round about way I was not a valued member of the team and needed to step up. Well the gauntlet was dropped and then proved to people that they were wrong. What a great feeling it was when I was then later told that I did walk the walk if you know what I mean. Will I be a success right away trying to start a business? I do not know but when you set a goal the fun part are the daily steps getting there.

The selfish person in me is going ask a huge favor to think of me for one moment. If you belong to a club, organization, or even a work team meeting I would enjoy coming to speak for a half hour. My topics are motivation (duh) leadership (um yes duh) and customer service. Think about it and get back to me because it is like Elvis once sang (when he is not working at the local Piggly Wiggly) “It’s now or never.” I choose now.

Well I can feel the plane starting to descend into San Francisco so it is time to post and sign off. I truly hope all of you have a great and positive week no matter where you are. Next installment I am going to give you status update on where I am at with my 2010 goals so let’s compare notes. I really would enjoy hearing from you about how your 2010 has been going, good and bad.

Shout to my main man and that is my son Connor who turns 7 on the 11 this week. Also happy birthday to MR D Jones. Our GREAT friend “Mac” would have been celebrating his birthday on the 8. Mac you will always be missed my brother from another mother.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Please judge yourself but not me.

Please sit down I have to make a little bit of a confession. Now before I bare my soul about this minor incident you must first promise not to have disgust and have an open mind. We must pinky swear in order for us to move forward. I was in the hotel gym and I was just doing my normal rest period between moving from one exercise to the next. I noticed that figure skating was on and as a hockey fan I knew I had to look away and get back to my weight lifting. Then it happened, as I was looking away this skater fell. Not only did she fall but got right up in a split second. I was then curious to see how she would handle the rest of her routine. I was looking for body language or even just skating off and calling it a night. I was truly amazed that she finished her routine and still had a smile on her face when the routine was over.

We all have had times where we mentally fall down and just want to lay there, even if it is the middle of the street. I walk to the office everyday and see the homeless and just wonder to myself thinking “do they want to get back up? Or have they been so beat down that they are content with their status. I am fully aware that there are several who have mental issues. However when we do hit low points in our life it does take more energy to get back up on our feet VS just placing ourselves in a cocoon to shut off the world.

When I was watching this figure skater fall my first thought was all of those days training, the dedication to finally be on the world stage to have this happen in just a blink of an eye. Yesterday as I was rooting for the United States hockey team try and win a Gold medal and to fall short in over time. The same mental toughness that Olympic athletes go through is not any different between you and me. Think about your job and your daily grind to achieve your goal. Your goal could be collecting a pay check or working on a promotion. The extra hours you put in to write a proposal can equate to an athlete going through their daily training routine.

As I am writing this my mind starts to think of one of my favorite Denver Bronco players Ed McCaffery. He was a wide receiver who took many hits but what I admired about him was his ability to pop right up after a hit. Yes there were times when it took longer for him to get back up but his resiliency to me was amazing. My point to all of this is yes we are going to get knocked down or trip and fall to the ground. We just need to realize that yes we have hit a low but first to GET BACK UP. What does a bull rider do when he gets thrown from a bull? Get’s right back up and simply dust himself off.

The true test for you is going to be when a situation trips you to the ground but what will you do to get yourself back up. Last week I took a fall when I failed to turn in two school work assignments. I immediately advised my teacher that I will get the papers turned in and I did. Then my focus was not to let my mistake ruin my day and accept my grade. If that figure skater had focused on the fall I don’t think she would of popped back up. Just remember that when you do fall nobody is judging you like that figure skater so once you get up give yourself a “10.”


Happy thoughts to my friend Patty C whose mother is sick.

A good friend of mine Tyrone is in the hospital so happy thoughts please.