Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Win One For.....

A win could be something small as dropping a pound or even just getting a call to have a phone interview set up. There are times when we just need I don’t know a spark or sometimes even a little luck to energize us to take us to our happy place. To me a win is just somebody leaving a comment on one of my blogs. Even a negative post to me is a win because I created something inside that person to write from their heart.

Another example of a win is taking control of your life and not letting life control you. I have recently at long last adopted that life style. To me it also equates to realizing that there is just stuff I can not be in command of, and that stuff I need to just let go. A good friend of mine “Tooker” would say when somebody was to serious that you were “holding on to tight.” Meaning that you need to loosen up and relax. A year ago I was “holding on to tight” with things in my life I could not control. Someone we will call Gene K asked me a great question. He said “How do you eat an elephant?” I said one bite at a time. We get bombarded with our life and trying to do to much at once. When it seems that our life has to much going on, we need to take a step back and figure out how are we going to eat that elephant.

To use a sports cliché that I have heard in the past is when players talk about “One inning at a time.” We need to look at our wins sometimes by breaking up the day. For example, you woke up and you wacked your little toe into the wall. Ok this does not control your whole day only that moment in time. Who knows maybe by the time you get to work your boss calls you into their office to tell you how wonderful you are doing. Now that toe issue is gone and now you have won with-in the day. I know the oldest but it is so true cliché of ALL cliché’s and that is “Life is to short” and it is. A year ago I had no idea where I was going to live, work, or even if I would be here this moment. Today I have a place to live, a pretty cool job, and I write two blogs.

I am writing this from my home city of Chicago waiting for my second flight back to my adopted home of Colorado. What is my win today? I had dinner and drinks at the Detroit airport with my great friend Mark A.K.A “Iggy” and my phone rang with a company wanting my resume. The day did not start out with wins, but like I said, there are small ones that can change your day.

To win in the game of life are not always going to be big ones so be patient with seeing and finding the small wins. Also if you see someone who needs help finding a win, don’t be scared to see what you can do. Something like a hug is all they need. Now go out there and win one for you!!


Shout out to seeing Deb and Spencer.

Shout out to you for being you.

Simple question here: Who motivates you??

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I am going to just place my cards on the table and tell you that I don’t get religion. Today at work during some down time we were talking about faith, God, and the path God has for us. Let me just take a step back and say I really do love the people I work with and we have a lot of fun, so I was very comfortable to also be honest with them as I am with you. I am fully aware that religion and daily motivation can go hand and hand. My former high school is a Catholic school and it did help shape my life no question about it. I would say it was having some great teachers rather then any type of faith. There were those times when we had been at school and we had to go to mass during the year. My mind would be at peace during mass, a calming sensation you could say. However I am not a believer. Sorry to say and you know what? I wish and truly wish that I could wrap my head around having faith or believing there is an Almighty God who does care not only about others but yours truly.

My son on Sunday’s goes to church and he enjoys it. He goes to his school with one of the neighbor families and from what the information he tells me they sing, do plays and talk a bit about God. Obviously he has more faith then I do. He is only six and at times I wonder does he understand what religion is and why does he enjoy going? I know “Hey Tommy why don’t you ask him?” I will the next time he and I are together, believe me you will get a report and in triplicate.

Ok I guess a question to myself is what do I believe in?

Ø I believe in love between two people.
Ø I believe in there is good in Darth Vader.
Ø I believe we are not the only ones in the solar system.
Ø I believe the greatest day of my life was the birth of my son.
Ø I believe humans are not to be monogamous.
Ø I believe that 2010 will be the Cub’s year. No really.
Ø I believe a glass of Red wine will put prospective of the day.
Ø I believe that you don’t vote for a political party, rather a person.
Ø I believe that “A” personalities need a glass or two to lighten up.
Ø I believe that anyone who harms child or animals do not get to waste my tax dollars sitting in a prison cell.
Ø I believe that if you set your mind to your goals, and write them down YOU will succeed.
Ø I believe that there is nothing like the first time you hear the words of “Daddy.”
Ø I believe that there will be a tomorrow.
Ø I believe puppy breath should be bottled.
Ø I believe that there is no right or wrong religions.
Ø I believe that there is nothing wrong staying in bed all day.
Ø I believe that I could keep typing but I need to keep some a secret, well for now.

Well who knows what to believe or not and why can’t we just get along no matter who or what you pray to.

Later Skaters.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


As a parent especially a parent who only sees their child every other weekend you try to do your best with the limited time you have with them. I am not going to lie about the fact I have the coolest son on the planet and I am not just saying that because well it is true. If you have seen him you know the truth. He is very polite, cares about others and is very honest (sometimes to honest but that is ok).

Yesterday (Sunday) I was packing my lap top bag and placing a book I bought recently titled “Get Hired Fast” written by Brian Graham. The book gives you a foundation to be able to have at least three interviews and possibly a new job by 15 days. What the author does for you is step by step instructions and details to achieve this goal. My son asked me about the book. I thought long on how to explain what the book is all about, I just said that it is a book to help daddy get a job. Then the moment occurred where my heart sank and yes after I took him home I cried because the thought of being a bad parent to him entered my soul. “I don’t think you are trying hard enough to find a job in Colorado” came out of his mouth. Talk about a powerful statement from the young man. I was taken back because in the back of my mind he was correct. I have been coasting waiting for opportunity to just come knocking on my door. Well ladies and gentlemen of the jury I have been convicted and accused. I am going to ask for mercy.

Today is a new day and with a new day comes a new set of goals. The most important is to never allow myself to be in a position of disappointing my son again. Is it going to happen? Sure but I have learned to do a better job since his message back to me was that he wanted a dad who is available to him. He and I want the same thing; go to school functions, see him participate in sports, and just spend more time with him. He wants a dad. I know how crazy is that? Well it is when you think that your child does not need you. Please hear me out. My son lives in a home where he has a mother and her boy friend, two people who love him. So he has positive surroundings. Why would he need me when he has a pretty good home life, well he needs his dad and I need him is the bottom line.

No more excuses of waiting for the phone to ring or waiting for that email from the company you want a career at. The
saying that “The hardest job you will have is finding a job” is only true if you are willing to pay the price. So MR Blog writer what are you going to do? What can I do except what Chef Emeril would say and do is turn it up a “Notch!!” The book lays all the steps you need to find a job so as long as we follow what Brian Graham states then it will be possible to hear different phrases from my son. Something like “I am happy that you don’t travel as much.”


Shout Out to “Coach” for quitting smoking.

Shout Out to Lori in Wisconsin. Please send her happy thoughts.

Shout Out to MR. ED he is having surgery. Happy thoughts and maybe a dirty one or two to help him smile.
Shout Out to the staff in Detroit.

Shout Out to the staff in Sacramento.

Shout Out to “DJ” on his new job.

Shout Out to Chris K on the new house. Next move, Colorado.

Poll question: Have you ever re-gifted?