Monday, January 11, 2010


I had my “A HA” moment today on the rental car bus ride and I don’t know how to really act on it. Other then saying I want to do this idea what steps can we take to make this happen? Well there are times when we want to act on something and then a little voice gets in your head to say “you can’t do that” or “why would you want to try that?” Well here is a novel idea “Why not me?” Why not you? Listen we all want to be the person we should be and are you really doing what you want to be doing?

Have you already had your “A HA” moment and don’t know how to take the steps to make this a reality? I would recommend to break down the “How’s” to make it all come true and like I previously wrote, try and find a mentor someone who is doing what you are doing. That is what I did today by contacting someone in my field of interest. If you want to be what you want to be (where have I heard that before?) then mimic what other successful people do so you can do what you were meant to be doing.

My moment came and I am now so driven to make my goal a reality and the best part is going to be the planting of the seed and watching it grow to who I am going to become sooner rather then later. Please reach out to the people and if they are good people like Jon Gordon who I have been reaching out to, they will want to help you by telling you how they did it.

Now take this tiny little phrase and do me a favor, make it your mantra now and forever. Your new mantra is “WHY NOT ME?” We all were placed on this Earth for one reason, a talent of some sort. Now just ask yourself “WHY NOT ME?” Come on now we know you want better in THIS life time. Stop with the doubting self talk and find your passion, what is it that makes you willing to break down walls so you can become your true self? Personally I don’t mind when I tell people that I want to start my business as a professional speaker because I know what to say to those people who want to doubt me and you know what I am saying to them right? RIGHT!! Ok in case you are not sure here is the answer to those so called ‘haters” and that is “WHY NOT ME?”

1 comment:

  1. You are right; "why not you"? If you do not follow your passion; who will?
    I am sure all the "great people" started out exactly where you are; you will never know until you try. Passion is a very powerful thing but balance is essential.
    Okay should I know who Jon Gordon is? Lol
    Reach for the stars!
