Monday, January 4, 2010

What if......

One of my current favorite bands these days is Nickleback. They have a current song out and there is a line that just hooks me “What if today was your last day?” What about it! I remember listing to a Zig Ziglar tape many years ago dealing with goals. The question that he posed was if you were able to go on a trip, however you had to leave the next day how would you be able to accomplish what you needed to get done before leaving. So my question to you is this, what if you had 1 year left on Earth?

We tend to forget that each day is a gift and we only have one life to accomplish so much! I can not tell you how great 2009 was, really it was. I finally felt a major weight come off my shoulders as each day came. For example I met a great girl, moved into my town home in July, Connor and I went to Chicago for his first trip to Chicago. Just to name a few highlights of the past year. However I know my life can be so much better with the goals I have set forth for 2010. I just finished my first week of school and yes it will be a challenge at times but I do have my eye on the prize. Let me now ask you where do you see yourself for 2010? Please don’t blow off not writing down your goals. That is easy ways out of not living a great life by simply stating if you don’t write it down you don’t have to stick to a plan.

I remember listening to a motivation tape many years ago and the speaker had a great concept “Success is the ultimate revenge” and that is a powerful principal. I really do want all of you to be successful in your life and yes it does take hard work and dedication but you won’t know unless you start by writing what you want down. I get excited every day sitting at my temporary desk in Connecticut and looking at my goals for this year, knowing that I am going to accomplish them I AM GOING TO BE SUCESSFUL. I also get fired up when I am home and look at my goal poster of things I want to achieve in my life time.

Now think about what you can accomplish this year, think about what you want in life, break it down and stop the hamster wheel of just being. To quote Jon Gordon from his weekly letter “Focus on “Get to” VS “Have to.” Each day focus on what you get to do, not what you have to do. Life is a gift not an obligation.”

Back to my question to you and what if you had only one year? 361 days to go.


  1. You know at first I that is deep...

    But then I remembered a very valuable but painful lesson I learned about ten years ago when I lost a very good friend of mine; tomorrow sometimes never comes. No one is guaranteed that second chance; rescheduled visit; next game or simply hugging and telling someone you love them the next time you see them.

    So if you love someone tell him or her. Thoughts of revenge or ill will towards others only keeps a person “stuck” so forgive or at least let go because life is too short to be wasting time on such negative energy. Sometimes you will never know why something happened and that is okay.

    Okay off of my box and back to your question…

    If I knew I only had a year left I would spend each and every day surrounded by the people I love (and my animals). I try to live each day with no regrets; so to the best of my knowledge there would be no apologies needed or ill will floating around out there. (Anyone that knows me can tell you that a person never has to guess what I am thinking because I will tell him or her!)

    I would do what a person should do everyday and treat it as if it was my last which is easy to forget when you get wrapped up in all the “hustle and bustle”.

    Thanks for reminding me!

  2. Hmmm. Maybe I can too(?????)

    Your story truly is inspirational and motivational. I am trying hard to follow your lead. While I have never lacked in self esteem or self worth (not to mention "living for today"), I still fall into deep dark places a lot of time, and have trouble getting out of these places. I am not exaggerating when I say that your words help. Other things help too, even if they are small, and I try to take solace in those. Could be a great new beer. Could be a great old beer. Just several examples :]

    Keep your head up, and I promise to do the same. And know that your words are helping someone, and even if it is only one person, that is enough to keep writing. Some of my goals for 2010.

    -Get a better paying job (interview coming up)

    -Get back in shape. More muscle and prepare for July 4 5k.

    -Overall better mindset

    -Homebrew 10 batches of beer

    P.S. Can't wait to meet Luckdog. She sounds awesome!
