Monday, March 8, 2010


Here I am at cruising altitude of some 30,000 feet heading back to San Francisco for another week of employment. That is a good thing but I was hoping by now to be on the next chapter of my life, meaning basically a new job. I had not been home for about three weeks and the mail was a bit like opening up Christmas presents well except for the bills. However I was surprised to see an envelope from a company I had recently interviewed with (yes the “meeting” of the day of my car accident) and was a bit upset to read the standard form rejection letter from them. Then just before I turned my computer here in the plane, I started to read the article from Darren Hardy who is the editor of one of my favorite magazines “Success” and light bulb went on (it was a “green” light bulb that went off).

Let’s you and I get real here, every time we go to an interview we think “Only if I get this job I can….” To me getting this rejection letter is not the end of the world and yes I very much wanted that job to be a part of a corporate university. However this just gets me closer to me wanting to start my own speaking business. This month’s issue of Success magazine is about leadership. I had an interview last year and was told I did not have enough leadership training on my resume ok my bad but the manager did not even show up to my interview presentation. My point is, the heck with people telling you that we do not have experience to do something. Let me prove you wrong and guess what ladies and gentlemen of the jury I am going to lead us all to victory when I prove that yes I can teach leadership or what ever else my mind is set to do.

I was disappointed by the scale on Saturday but the results might not have been physical but more mental. I have been in the hotel gym working out and feeling the effects from it. The same goes with people telling you that we are not qualified to do a job let me prove it to you but show up. I go to the gym because yes it is healthy for me but I want to prove to the Nay Sayers this summer at the pool. Even recently I was told not really directly but in a round about way I was not a valued member of the team and needed to step up. Well the gauntlet was dropped and then proved to people that they were wrong. What a great feeling it was when I was then later told that I did walk the walk if you know what I mean. Will I be a success right away trying to start a business? I do not know but when you set a goal the fun part are the daily steps getting there.

The selfish person in me is going ask a huge favor to think of me for one moment. If you belong to a club, organization, or even a work team meeting I would enjoy coming to speak for a half hour. My topics are motivation (duh) leadership (um yes duh) and customer service. Think about it and get back to me because it is like Elvis once sang (when he is not working at the local Piggly Wiggly) “It’s now or never.” I choose now.

Well I can feel the plane starting to descend into San Francisco so it is time to post and sign off. I truly hope all of you have a great and positive week no matter where you are. Next installment I am going to give you status update on where I am at with my 2010 goals so let’s compare notes. I really would enjoy hearing from you about how your 2010 has been going, good and bad.

Shout to my main man and that is my son Connor who turns 7 on the 11 this week. Also happy birthday to MR D Jones. Our GREAT friend “Mac” would have been celebrating his birthday on the 8. Mac you will always be missed my brother from another mother.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tommy Man:
    I came in from a rainy day after Church to read your blog. You have a gift of words...or maybe it's a gift of gab! he he...No really, your blogs are very good, very insightful, and make us all think about ourselves. (if we were telling the truth) Yes, you should write something, and try to get it published. You've "got" it!

    Southern Belle
