Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thank you Joe

This week I went to a seminar, hold on before I hear the comments of something like BORING, you are very much wrong. This was actually the second time I have been to this and if you have ever met me you understand that I am not the sharpest tool in the shed. Let me tell you about our host MR. Joe Sabah (say-bah) but you need to just call him “Joe.” I can not tell you how much my brain soaked up the knowledge Joe has about how to be a speaker. If you have heard of John Wooden the great UCLA basketball coach who recently passed, this is Joe. He was responsible for the creation of the Colorado Chapter for the National Speakers Association, and is one of the top two chapters in the world, so Joe knows his stuff pretty darn well. The information that he taught us was worth millions of dollars and lucky for me he did not charge that. Here is a question “What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?” I want so bad to be a speaker and not just a speaker but one of the best. That quote is from a card that my mom sent me, and this brings us why I was listening to Joe. He gave us the tips and information to get a speaking business going. Hold on there Tommy I thought you said this was the second time you have been to this seminar? Well, um, yes, yes it was.

About 10 years ago I went to this seminar but the timing was just not the right moment in my life. You know why the timing was not there for me? Simply I was scared to death that I was going to succeed at this. WHAT??!! I know it sounds crazy but that was my fear at that time in my life and know is today any different? No it is not except that this time this is my true passion or I would to go as far to say that this is my calling. We get so wrapped up with trying to keep life safe and what I mean is not taking risks. Here is a little motivation for you “He who risks and fails can be forgiven. He who never risks and never fails is a failure in his whole being.” - Paul Tillich
The sidelines as been my friend way to long, it is time that we get into the game. I can only tell you how I am going to get into the game but it should be the same for you as well and that is PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE.

In previous blogs I have written about us as humans, we are just not happy doing what we are doing and why is that? Personally we naturally tend to stay away from taking risks in our so called “safe” life. We don’t want to “rock the boat” so we just cruise on the wrong river or path because that is what we have been programmed to do. WHY?? This week I finally got the opportunity to play the sport that I love to play and that is ice hockey. I was just filling in for the team but I find it vital to learn about the guys I am going to skate with. I wanted to say when I was asked the standard question “what do you do for work?” I wanted to say professional speaker, oh yes I even rehearsed the whole thing in my head. I wanted to tell them my passion of speaking and creating this new venture, but that was not what came out. What came out was oh I am, well looking right now, SO what do you do? Ok I was not there yet, it is like the movie “What about Bob” and the theory for Bob to be comfortable outside his comfort zone were “Baby steps.”

I am so pumped at the information I have in my possession from “Joe’s” seminar to be the speaker who is going be successful and “Crush It” to another level. Now what about you? What can I do to help you achieve your goals so you can have that fire in you to do what you were meant to be doing? Maybe look into presentations in your area or ask people who are doing what you WANT to be doing. How did they get to where they are today? I am going to leave you with a quote from Joe

“You don’t have to be good to start, you just have to start to be good.”

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