Monday, October 26, 2009

I Have Nothing

I want to write a great motivational blog every chance I get. I do not believe in writers block because I have several topics in my head and some on the note pad in my phone. I have a topic that I have already started to write but I was not happy with the direction the topic was going so it is on the back burner. I also have some stress like most Americans in my life that might be hurting my focus of the writing. I am also feeling a bit anger towards the comments posted and I am going to just move on and not say anything (even though I just did). I could put the blame on traveling two time zones back and forth. At this point I don’t know what I want to say as I am sitting here and rooting for the underdog Washington Redskins who are currently down in the third quarter 27-10 against the Philadelphia Eagles. I will say this and I wanted to mention two blogs ago that honestly I can NOT forgive MR Vick and what he did to those poor dogs. He does not deserve a second chance to be playing football. The bottom line is that if you or I did something that grotesque would you of been able to get your job back? I do not think so.

I read today in “USA Today” that more companies are going to be adding more jobs then cutting jobs. That is great news for our economy. In the same paper I also read that Rosie O’Donnell is getting her own satellite radio show. WOW stop the world. Ok maybe it is writers block.

Survey question comes to us from yes today’s issue of “USA Today” and the question that was posed “Would you break up with your boyfriend/girlfriend for 10K? Heck I am going to ask even if you are married. So for 10K would you?

Shout out to Connor for getting a great report from his teacher but working on a book. Not bad for a six year old.

Shout out to my former neighbors. Thank you for posting your comments as much as they hurt. Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I will be taking Thursday and Friday off and the fact I do not currently have internet this will be my last entry until Monday. Here are some lessons learned since I started writing this blog. Have a great rest of your week, have a great weekend, and most of all “STAY THIRSTY MY FRIEND.”

-You can only count on yourself.
-I am an island and it is nice to just hang out there.
-Very cool to find out that people read what I have written and get reactions even bad ones.
-I miss my son every single day.
-It is not the people who work for the airlines that are rude it is the passengers.
-Work is a four letter word.
-Yes I do miss California sometimes.
-Nickleback, The Killers, Linkin Park are bands that my son and I listen to.
-It is NOT easy being Green.
-Elvis is still alive.
-I miss MY dog every day.
-Working out in the morning is ok with me.
-PTI stole my “Shout out” idea.
-Without our parents we would be totally different people.
-I will forgive you.
-Chris K should be voted Father of the Year every day.
-“Body for Life” is the greatest fitness book.
-I miss “Mac”

Monday, October 19, 2009


To err is human; to forgive, is divine. I have to admit that many times my stubbornness is very strong inside of me. I was once yelled at by a professional hockey player and years later I happen to run into him at the airport. Me being me I think about that incident and yes it sticks in the back of my head when I see him on TV again maybe six years later. So what do I do when I see him? Do I get in his face? Do I scream in the crowd saying at the top of my lungs what I think of him? Nope, I calmly go up to him and say “May I please have your autograph?” Brian Engbloom is who I am talking about and guess what? I tell him the story of how many years ago I had to make a decision and maybe I made the wrong one, at that moment in time he thought I made the wrong one. However we laughed about it, he said he was sorry, and when he gets his bag at the airport in NY he said bye “Tommy” not sees ya dude, but he used my name and remembered it.

Can you tell me how we and I mean we this is just not my issue I know you do this as well. I forgave a perfect strange and I am coming up to a year of not talking to my son’s God parents because well did I mention being stubborn? I think I did. I still have issues trying to forgive my former neighbors because I felt that I was ostracized for being the one who left the “hood.” Again what is wrong with me? Come on think about a time when you forgave someone you hardly knew maybe it was a server or a flight attendant heck maybe you forgave a whole company that just fired you, but when it comes to loved ones whom we put them on a higher pedestal we treat them far worse then A PERFECT STRANGER. For my son’s god parents I asked for help, I did not get the answer I wanted to hear so therefore I shut them out of my life. Not only my life but my son’s life as well, what kind of parent am I? Well let’s just say not a very mature one should we say. Please tell me I am not alone. I want to make a pact with you. If I am wrong then you can move on to the shout outs, the rest of need to step it up and forgive the people who have scorned us, heck I forgave Bartman (Cub fans will get it). I promise this week I will do my best and extend the olive branch to my son’s God parents. These are truly people I have loved AND respected but it is sad on my part how stubborn I am at times. Now maybe with this self help my next project will be forgiving my former neighbors. Did I mention I was stubborn?


Shout out to T-Mac and yes your dad very proud of you.

Shout out to Angie for your love of hockey.

Shout out to my dog Keewee unconditional love.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I Missed You

Can not sleep tonight due to a great call I received today before leaving the “branch” to head back to the hotel. Ok so I used Resume Rabbit and it is working I would say pretty well so far with the calls I am getting. Today a recruiter read my resume from and explained the job position his client has for a trainer/instructor. There are a lot of new responsibilities with this position that I started to think if this is even the right job for me, I mean come on I am a simple trainer who likes to educate and have fun in front of an audience. What is scaring me is the fact that I would need to lead people, now sure as a trainer it is my job to lead people for a training class and teach the class about software and concepts. So as I am trying to sleep and NOT think about can I do this job and be successful my mind starts to think about: (are you sitting down for this and is there a psychiatrist in the house?) “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatball” the new movie that I saw this past weekend. Basically the movie is about an inventor whose inventions well are not really well good. The Cliff Note version of the movie is that he does fail, and fail but he keeps coming back to try something new. So in my head I started to have doubts about my talents but recently those thoughts have been receiving evection notices with our good friend Jonathan. He was trying and I mean trying to help me get through my interview jitteriness with doing mock interviews with me while driving from place to place last week. Tonight self doubt was kicked in the rear end because guess what? I would rather take a risk then play it safe. Maybe it is time for all of us to stop playing it safe and do what we are meant to do then just skating by and hoping our lives will be fine staying in the far left lane. WOW can I come up with more crappy metaphors? Yes, yes I can by saying it is time to put on your (me too) big boy pants to get out there and do what you are meant to do. With that said I now want this job and prove to myself this could be a great fit after all.

I was watching a special tonight on CNBC talking about Walmart (still not a fan of the company just to let you know). The current CEO of the company was making this speech in front of 4,000 people and it gave me goose bumps. Why?? I have always wanted to stand in front of a group like that and bring a motivating message to the masses and I pictured myself doing that tonight. I remember encouraging my son when he was first learning to walk as a baby and seeing the joy on his face achieving
that. We need that moment of getting up and taking those so called baby steps in order for us to achieve the goals we have set on paper. I want all of you today at this moment, along with me to put our lives back on track and take chances so we can obtain the goals you want out of life. Hey I did not make the goal weight I wanted by this week does that mean I failed? No because it means that I need to work that much harder to get to the place I want to be. I would have failed if I did not put the effort into the weight loss. Right now I am picturing in my mind the next job interview and doing such a fantastic job that when it is my turn to ask a question I will only have one. The one question is simply “Can I start in two weeks?” That way I can have a little vacation before starting the new job, in my mind and yours we know what the answer is.

Shout out to Roger A stay in touch.

Shout out to Mark I.

Shout out to you the fan.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Elvis Has Left The Building

I am saying good bye to Sacramento and off to my next adventure. It has been one of the best experiences I have ever had working with the guys as well as the people at the stations. Plus I really need to send two major shout outs to Jason, Diego and Eddy at Gold’s gym. What a great place to workout and Eddy as a Personal Trainer was very motivating to me. I promised Jason that I will send him pictures every two weeks to check on progress so there is some serious motivating.

Yesterday for what ever reason did not start off as a good day because the reality was starting to set in of being out of work in less then a month. However after my workout with Eddy I felt great, well up to the part where my dinner did come back up. I pushed myself pretty hard in the gym and to me that was vital. I knew that last night was going to be the last session with Eddy and Thursday night would be most likely the last time I would get to see the guys from the project since Friday we all were leaving. I needed the gym, I needed to get myself out of a funk and lift weights and guess what? It helped. The endorphins kicked in and I knew that after I left the gym that I gave 100% to myself.

Today was a very good day. I signed up with Resume Rabbit. What the product does for you is to send off your resume to about 88 job sites for you. Every time you see a posting for a job, don’t you just hate needing to fill out the information? Well Resume Rabbit does all the work for you including: Monster and Dice. I have already received a couple of responses back about my resume and moving forward to get phone interviews. Yes there is a cost for the service and it is around $60.00. I will let you know if any more jobs come out of this and what job boards as well. Plus was it really worth it.

There was an article on on Wednesday called “From Fired…to Fired Up” by Jon Gordon. I went to his website to get more information about him. He is doing what I want to be doing and that is going around the world and motivating people and writing about how to get people motivated. I thought I would take a shot and write to him to say I felt his article was great. He actually wrote me back, not sure if it was really him or not could it of been an assistant. Sure since it was not a form email back but I will give him the benefit of the doubt. I am including a great story that Jon wrote if you need to motivate yourself when you just feel like giving up. Please also go to to get the other article. Here is the link to the story and please let me know what you think:

Well that is a wrap from SUNNY (I heard it was snowing back home in Denver today) Sacramento California. My next entrée will be form not so Sunny Detroit. Once there the count down will begin to my next career adventure meaning will my goal of starting a new job on November 9th be a possibility? With a lot of help and some yelling between great friends Jonathan has been working with me on my interview skills. I will keep you posted.

Shout out to Leslee “B” for all of her help during the software conversion.

Shout out to Jonathan for trying to make me a better person every single day.

Shout out to my parents for well raising me right and all of their support through all of the years.

Shout out to my son for being just a great kid and understanding. You make me proud everyday of your life. Daddy will be home so we can party like rock stars. Love you Con Man.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I am not dying of a disease, I do not have the H1N1 flu, and I am not in a war. The point is ever since I was told that my services were no longer need my co-workers are the ones who need motivation. What I mean is that to me when we the team is together the elephant in the room is called unemployment. I call it opportunity. The victims are my friends who I work with daily because they are hurting; they are feeling a loss of a team member. I truly mean this and that is the fact on November 9th, my last day on the project I am going to feel a sense of relief. I have to think that there is another opportunity A.K.A a job on the horizon because if I don’t then honestly my mind will wander to places I promised myself I will NEVER go again.

You can not control who gets your resume because most of today’s companies use software to pick out key words or phrases. Who knows if the person who wrote the software was having a bad day and set the key words to gibberish? I can only control what is in my powers and that my friend is motivation, the power of controlling your own destiny. I told you last Friday that I was wounded or to put in boxing terms I was down but not down for the count. I am more determined then ever to put the past in the past and move on and as my good friend and a great mentor these past 11 months “Coach” would say I am writing a new chapter in my life or something to that effect. My friends here in Sacramento that I have been working with since the end of August are such a great group that again I need to keep comforting them and to say I will be fine and I will be. There is that saying of “There is somebody who is worse off then you” and guess what? It is true. There is so much destruction on this planet right now that at least I have the small things in life to be happy about. I have a great son who still loves me even though for over a year and a half I have been on the road. I promised Jonathan another great mentor of mine that I will find a job with no travel back in Denver to spend more time with my son. I was only wounded.

This is only a mild set back that can be and will be put back on track. I can choose to pout and have a pity party for soon being out of work. Or I can embrace these opportunities: I will have the opportunity to spend more time with my son at his school because I will be able to volunteer there. I will have the opportunity to do PX90 at my local recreation center. If you are not familiar with PX90 either look it up on the web or watch Sunday morning infomercials about it. I will have the opportunity to finally spend time in my new place and cook in it. Again I can not be angry of the situation since I have no control over. I am going to think and be positive for this chance to see what is next in my chapter of the book of my life. Remember I was shot and they tried to take me down but their ammunition was more of a BB then a rocket launcher. For my friends who also received their notice last week, we will get through this and we will dust our selves off and smile into adversity because THEY ONLY WOUNDED US THEY DID NOT KILL US!

Friday, October 2, 2009


Well I know this is late but HAPPY FRIDAY!!!

At 10:39 AM Pacific time I received the call I knew was coming but did not expect today. I was told today that my services on the project will no longer be needed as of November 6. We call this “spending more time with our families.” I know that the motivation I need deals with has two parts. The first part obviously is to find a job (duh). The second part is a job where I am home to yes spend time with my family of my son. I know that as long as I stay focused that this bump in the road will pass. There is a month to accomplish this goal and one goal that is going to need some luck along with the hard work.

My mantra of late for me knowing that cuts were happening was “Killed or Be Killed” and today I felt I was just wounded but not down for the count. This is a set back and getting angry is not going to help out the situation. We all have different ways to handle stress when it comes to job loss. Mine is to stay motivated and positive through this process and that is what I recommend to my friends who are in the same situation. Like I said this announcement was coming and my goal now is to rise up from the ground, dust myself off and when November 9th comes along I will be at my new job.

Shout out to my very good friend Patti. Please send happy thoughts her way because she got her notice today and had a rough week. If you see her please give her a hug.

Shout out to Jeff P and his wisdom these past 11 months and teaching me how to use chop sticks.

Shout out to Chris K and getting his new house. Very happy for you and the boys.

Have a weekend everybody. No survey but next week the beginning of rising from the ashes.